Prof. John Quinton
Prof. Dr. Crispin Halsall
University of Lancaster
The University of Lancaster (ULANC) is ranked as one of the 200 world’s top universities (No 145) of the World University Rankings 2019 (THE ranking). The university has 15.000 students from over 120 countries and employs over 3.000 staff. Its academic teaching and research programmes are delivered through departments contained within three faculties: Arts, Science and Technology, Health. The University is engaged in high-quality teaching and learning, advanced research and partnership with business, and regional and community partnerships and initiatives.
The Lancaster Environment Centre has world leading environmental chemistry facilities including Raman Spectroscopy and Fluorescent microscopy coupled with flume and rainfall simulation facilities and dedicated soil laboratories.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955334.