Dr. Tomáš Dostál
Dr. David Zumr
Dr. Josef Krasa
University of Prague
The research activities of the CTU team are oriented mainly to surface and subsurface water dynamics and landscape water management. The particular fields of interest are soil science, groundwater hydraulics, watershed protection and management, construction of ponds and special reservoirs, and complex environmental problems related to landscape design and conservation. GIS tools, remote sensing, field experiments and advanced numerical models are extensively used for most of the listed activities. The department is well equipped with up to date computation software, reconstructed soil physics laboratories with innovative experimental setups, three experimental catchments for rainfall-runoff and soil erosion research. We collaborate with several Czech and international institutions, our research activities take place on various sites in Europe, USA and China.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 955334.